Wyoming Comprehensive Plan

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Your Voice Matters!

The City of Wyoming has adopted its new comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan will guide policy and development in Wyoming over the next twenty years. Thank you to everyone who had provided input via the survey or at the Open House hosted in September.

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened on December 6 at City Hall at 7:00 PM and voted to recommend the plan for adoption. The City Council convened on December 14 at City Hall at 7:00 PM to host a public hearing to consider their recommendation and formally adopted the plan.

To view the City's new plan, click here.

Your Voice Matters!

The City of Wyoming has adopted its new comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan will guide policy and development in Wyoming over the next twenty years. Thank you to everyone who had provided input via the survey or at the Open House hosted in September.

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened on December 6 at City Hall at 7:00 PM and voted to recommend the plan for adoption. The City Council convened on December 14 at City Hall at 7:00 PM to host a public hearing to consider their recommendation and formally adopted the plan.

To view the City's new plan, click here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of Wyoming is updating its comprehensive plan to guide its growth and development over the next 20 years. This survey is designed to gather input from Wyoming residents to make the community’s path forward reflect their desires. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close on 9/26/21. Each resident of a Wyoming household is welcome to respond separately, but please provide only one response per person. Your answers will be kept anonymous. Your candid input is welcomed. Thank you in advance for your participation!

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 15 Dec 2021, 06:48 AM